Healthcare providers are increasingly affiliating with more than one healthcare organization. As the physician shortage continues to grow and health systems continue to consolidate, providers are being pulled by multiple organizations at the same time to deliver quality care as efficiently as possible.
In light of these demands, many healthcare organizations have begun to recognize the benefits of cross credentialing. Physicians can now affiliate across new facilities more easily with the help of the interstate licensure compact, and some health systems and states are putting in place uniform credentialing and privileging paperwork. As healthcare organizations adapt to market changes, ecosystem collaboration is proving to be advantageous for all stakeholders.

At Kimedics, we work with medical groups, health systems and staffing agencies to drive collaboration across staffing operations. Throughout 2020, we have seen more collaboration efforts from our partners (and states) than ever before, and therefore decided to develop a guide on the Best Practices in Collaborative Healthcare Workforce Management. Our goal of sharing these insights is to first highlight the efforts of our valued partners, and secondly to encourage organizations to consider the benefits of collaboration across the healthcare ecosystem.